Writes Dioscuros, Headline Diplomat eMagazine, LUDCI.eu
The aviation industry is the business of freedom. It connects businesses to markets, reunites friends and families, imports & transportss cultures, and promotes tourism. On average, airlines connect over 4 billion passengers every year. Regrettably, the ease, speed, and efficiency of air travel also makes it an effective foam for promoting criminal activities, such as drugs and human trafficking. Criminals use airlines to traffic children, women, and men illegally, across the globe.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), it estimates that around 24.9 million people are victims of modern-day slavery. What’s alarming is that more than 75% of the victims are women and children. That’s why the United Nations (UN) is working around the clock to devise ways to stop and prevent human trafficking. The UN is working with various bodies around the world, with the aviation industry included.
During a Montreal-based International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) convention in 2020, a major step was taken when the UN launched a new online training to support the implementation of the ICAO-OHCHR guidelines fo...
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